Liceum dla dorosłych
High School for Adults in Lodz
About the school
High school for adults is a private school which has the status of a state school.
Our aim is to create the most comfortable learning conditions for you. We value the quality of education, but most of all we value your comfort. The selection of teaching staff is carefully considered by us so that our customers, that is you, are satisfied with the effects of education.
We have a large base of teaching aids. We lend you textbooks, reference books, atlases (geography, history) during your lessons. We have many multimedia boards, charts, thematic maps and various devices (e.g. projectors, laptops, iPads) which make ordinary lessons more interesting. We place great emphasis on expanding our teaching facilities so that teachers and you get the most out of our lectures.
Learning at our school takes place in the extramural system, i.e. on Saturdays and Sundays. Classes last from 8 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. During one term (half-year) we plan 10 weekend meetings (20 days of classes).
Classes are conducted in a relaxed atmosphere by an experienced team of teachers. Graduates of our school obtain secondary education with a possibility of passing the matriculation examination.
The condition for enrolment in our school is the submission of all required documents. The required documents are: the final school / class graduation certificate (primary school, junior high school, vocation school or high school / technical school), ID card.
You do not need to be over eighteen, just have a written permission of your parent / guardian.
Our students can be those who graduated in the current school year as well as those who have had a break from school.
We accept candidates who have completes:
- Junior high school
- 8-year primary school
- Basic vocational school
- Lower secondary trade school.
In the case of graduation from a trade school or vocational school, candidates are admitted to the 3rd semester.
We believe that it is never too late to learn.