Preparation for the matura exam - courses
Preparation for the matura exam - courses
The aim of the matura exam preparation courses is to thoroughly prepare the candidates for taking the matura exams in: mathematics, Polish language, a selected foreign language (English, German or Russian), and an additional subject. The courses last from the beginning of October to the end of April. One can participate in all of the classes or choose just one or two subjects.
The course groups are small and taught by perfectly prepared instructors being examinators certified by OKE (county examination board).
The first part of the course involves general revision and catching up on material (if necessary). In turn, the second part involves doing mock test papers containing matura-type and level tasks (some papers are ready-made and some are compiled by the instructors). The students work with handouts, and they can individually discuss any arising problem and doubt with the instructor. No additional fee is charged for such consultation.
The courses take place at weekends, starting from 8.15, in accordance with the schedule that is beforehand put on the website and constitutes an appendix for the agreement between the school and the student.
With Your 90% attendance and scrupulous attitude towards homework assignments, we can guarantee You success!